Make our planet a better place to live for our children.
AAKR Business Objectives (10-key point)
Funding Safe Transportation
Look for grants and donations to fund safe, reliable and sustainable transportation infrastructure to significantly reduce road traffic injuries and fatalities in developing countries.
Trusted Infrastructure Management
Use a well-known multinational/private communication company trusted by local authorities and citizens for handling the delivered road infrastructure.
AI Powered Enforcement
Leverage the AI technology revolutions to address automations and reduce corruption/ human mistakes. Ex: Use cameras along the highway to enforce posted speed limits.
Cross Country Knowledge Sharing
Use collaboration between companies from developed and developing countries for sharing knowledge to reduce technological gaps.
Sustainable Digital Infrastructure
Establishing a self-sustainable infrastructure that is free of charge can deliver business value to local areas. The digital infrastructure will be a developing engine for sustainable employment for local youth while improving development for a greener planet. It is evident that the locality should be secured by local enforcement during the construction and the exploitation of the infrastructure.
Vehicle Safety Inspections
Improve local automobile parking and safety vehicle inspection to reduce fatalities due to bad vehicle conditions
Roadside Trauma Care
Improve post-crash care by building hospitals or medical facilities near roads that are adapted to injuries and trauma related to road accidents.
Vehicle Emission Reduction
Implement vehicle emission test and vehicle upgrade to reduce environmental impact.
Road Toll Funding
The local multinational/private company can use tolls on roads to collect money for balancing its infrastructure maintenance.
Safer Driver Education
Our organization should help local governments to implement measures to upgrade driving schools for future highway users through recycling and upgraded safety training methods for current licensed drivers and new drivers. These measures should bring a safer and more responsible approach to road travel, sparing no effort in preserving precious lives.